What is RoRo Shipment?

The termRoRoorRo-Rostand forRoll on Roll offor Roll-on/roll-off. Roll on Roll off ships are type of vessels that are
used to carry wheeled cargo by self driving from dock to inside the vessel.
The term “Roll on Roll off” for cargo ship was defined in the November
1995 amendments to Chapter II-1 of the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 as being “a passenger ship with ro-ro
cargo space”.
The RoRo ship is different from Lo-Lo (lift on-lift off) ship that uses
a crane to load the cargo. The vehicles in the ship are loaded and unloaded
by means of built-in ramps. Normally these ramps are made towards the stern
(backside) of the ship. In some ships, they are also found on the bow side
(front) as well as the sides.
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